User Friendly Features
Variable speed day trading simulations to practice few years of day trading in few weeks, risk free.
Simulates 100+ of stocks, currencies, and futures.
Many years of data on many different instruments available from our server to test risk free.
Allows continuous day trading over days/weeks.
Best of all Rewind/Forward features.
Offers custom indicators line studies . Users can add technical indicators via the menu and indicator property dialog.
Supports the popular stock chart display styles: Candlestick, OHLC. Each of these chart styles is updated tick by tick, just like real-time.
Simultaneous view of multiple time frames.
Provision to delete pending/executed orders.
Supports all the popular order types (Market, Limit, Stop, Stop Limit, MIT, FOK, OCO)
A complete set of tools to draw trend lines, circles, rectangles, insert text/markers etc. on the chart.
A ‘Control Panel’ access to frequently used features/commands and profit/loss display that is updated with every tick.
Fully customization of interface (scaling, grid, colors etc.) and trading parameters to suit different needs
Uses double buffering – this means you will see absolutely NO screen flickering.
An unlimited number of series can be displayed in just one chart.
Windowing system allows resizing, changing positions up/down, maximizing/minimizing, restore,
Chart windows can be are fully customized. Change height, colors, styles and more.
Simulator manipulates screen graphics super-fast and efficiently without a 3rd party graphics engine.
Zoom in/out, scroll left/right via the control panel.
Export chart images to file (can be displayed on the web) or send to a printer.
Users can save/load charts, restoring data, indicators, colors, drawings, period objects and more.
Many other useful features.